Consorci de l’Estany

The Consorci de l’Estany, in Banyoles and Porqueres is a public administrative association that manages the Espai d’Interès Natural de l’Estany de Banyoles i de Porqueres.

Its main aims are the preservation and appreciation of natural and cultural heritage and promote economic environmental and social functions characteristic of this area.

The scope of the Consortium covers the area bounded by the Pla d’Espais d’Interès Natural: Subunits of Estany de Banyoles and Clot d’Espolla.


Consorci del Ter

The Consorci del Ter is a public institution with legal personality governed by the Law on Public Administration of Catalonia. It manages services or activities of common interest, always starting from the local initiative, throughout the Ter river through four areas: natural, cultural, tourism and economic development, and communication and awareness. The Consortium aims to represent all government bodies, as well as the social, economic and political Basin Ter.

The Consortium works to mobilize the financial resources that enable executed actions in the territory that forms the area of the River Ter. The existence of this Consortium is an opportunity to get a comprehensive and integrated management of the river as the main element of a rich and varied territory


Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca, Alimentació i Medi Natural de la Generalitat de Catalunya 

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries, Food and Environment of the Generalitat of Catalonia includes the Environment Biodiversity and environmental Department, that is responsible for the territory of Catalonia in the planning and management of natural resources and natural habitats. In the Potamo Fauna LIFE project involves two Services Units as part of the Office of Biodiversity: Service Animal Protection and Biodiversity and Protected Areas Service. Both services have extensive experience in European projects for the conservation of endangered species, acting as beneficiaries, partners and co-financiers. Also, this Department has the facilities of a Breeding Facilities for the native crab in the area within the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park


Forestal Catalana

Forestal Catalana SA is a public company of the Government of Catalonia as a mercantil society. It is governed by Law 4/1985 of 29 march, for the Catalan Statute of the Public Company by Reial Decret 1564/1989 of 22 December which approves the revised text of the Companies Act and other supplementary provisions as well as by its own statutes.

The Executive Council approved the constitution and social status at 19 December 1987.

Forestal Catalana carries a wide range of environmental projects, ranging from forest management, infrastructure construction, the activities of environmental conservation, production and marketing of plant mainly for forest works, including management resource farmers, aquaculture and wildlife, as well as studies and projects related to the above observations. The number of works and studies performed annually exceeds two hundred.

To achieve these objectives, Forestal Catalana SA has a team of technically qualified and an extensive fleet of machinery and transport forest, as well as animal and plant breeding centers and nurseries, with over two million forest plants. The structure and the technical team has all the characteristics of public service of the public company, together with the agility and creativity typical of private enterprise.



Amics de la Tortuga de l’Albera

The aim of the Tortoise Breeding Center Albera (Centre de Recuperació de Tortugues de l’Albera - CRT) is the captive breeding of turtles in order to reduce the significant juvenile mortality that occurs in nature, and thus have a significant number of individuals to release them and enhance natural populations. The facilities in CRT allow the study of the biology of turtles and otherwise characterize the ecotypes of the Eastern Pyrenees populations. The Center also works with didactic functions, attracting schools, families, groups and all kind of visitors, teaching them to understand and love turtles and Mediterranean forest, and avoid capturing or disturbing these unique animals.


Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU)

The Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea is the result of a long line of attempts throughout history that made posible for the Basque Country to have a university that would respond to the many needs that arise in a dynamic and modern society.

Acquires its current naturalization in 1980, on the precedent of the former University of Bilbao and inspired by the Basque University, 1936. Adopts an emblem designed by Eduardo Chillida and incorporates the same verse of a famous Iparragirre Eman-ta Zalabí Zazu, who alluded to the universal vocation of Basque culture. Today the UPV / EHU shows a rising and increasing reality. Consisting of more than 50,000 people, is responsible for 70% of the research that is developed in the Basque Country and has already generated a quarter of a million graduates in diverse areas of knowledge.

Distributed on three campuses-one for each of the historical territories of the current Basque Autonomous Community, bringing together 32 faculties and schools, the UPV / EHU made ​​a decisive contribution to the reality of the Basque Country, to the extent that it would inconceivable today without the daily intake of this institution and without the rich and intense intellectual debate generated around it.